Friday, October 05, 2012

Living or Doing?

I was having a conversation with myself about building a high networth company while bathing. Suddenly a realization came to me that in process of doing it, I am not enjoying the process of reaching that goal. I have been told so many times that journey is important and not the destination. I could relate it to "life" now.
Same morning - I told my wife that you are "waiting" for the morning "work" to get over, and she said "yes".
Above is the root cause of our stress. We try to get over with our "work". we are not living our "work". It is a duty rather then "living".
I suggested that her main purpose is "food". To make it interesting she should focus on new recipes rather then cooking same good again. It is the routine which is making her mind think it as "work" rather then enjoy it.
It is same with our way of earning money which causes the famous "monday morning blues". I think we should enjoy monday and not hate the monday. People give different reason for success, I feel the only criteria for success (in business or job) are the ones who have passion for their work not just wanting to finish the day. This is typically the reason of getting old in life.

Relating this to our family vacation, we decide a few destinations we want to cover, plan travel, hotel, food and head out. I now realize that I reached the destination after few or more hours of travel but I never "lived" those moments of "travel". I waited to reach the destination. There were cards to play, stuff to eat and so on but my mind was on the destination and not the journey. I think everyone can relate to above.
This also makes me realize the difference in thinking from the heart and head. Head says reach the goal, heart says live the way to the goal ;)

So are you living the present moment?

Note - All of the above is philosophy, theory which has no meaning unless it becomes part of life.