Monday, May 11, 2015

The spoon

I just told my son to eat with hands instead of the spoon because it has Paraná. He asked me what is Paraná?
I was silent. He told me oh, I get it, the spoon can't move on its own. U have to move it with your hand. So hand has Paraná and not spoon.
Then he ate with the spoon but now we both know the answer ;)

Tuesday, May 05, 2015

The relative truth

When you go introvert, you realize truth is relative.
A labourer has to eat things that will give him energy to do physical work.
A office goer needs to eat things that will give him energy to use brain.
A businessman needs food for his mind.
A child needs food for energy to play.
A women needs food for her creativity.
A aged person needs food that can be digested easily.
Yeah, there is a difference between brain and mind.
Brain can do repetitive work. Mind needs creativity.
The point is truth for everyone is relative.
Above is the key to great relationships.
You will start living in acceptance mode.
when you realize the above absolute truth that truth is relative ;).